What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job?

An estimated 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed every year, but the high cost and risk of surgery turns many would-be patients away. For those looking for an alternative solution that produces similar results, a non-surgical nose job may be a fitting choice.

Liquid nose jobs are becoming increasingly popular thanks to social media, but what exactly is this procedure and how long do the results last?

What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job?

A non-surgical nose job is an outpatient procedure that temporarily changes the shape and look of your nose using dermal filler injections. It can achieve many of the same effects of traditional rhinoplasty, but without anesthesia, a lengthy recovery period and the risk of surgery.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can help:

  • Smooth bumps
  • Hide defects
  • Raise the bridge or tip of the nose
  • Straighten the nose
  • Create a more symmetrical shape

While fillers can’t make your nose look smaller (they add volume), changing the shape of the nose in other ways can help create the illusion of a smaller nose.

Non-surgical nose jobs don’t have the same inherent risks of surgical procedures, but they aren’t entirely risk-free. The nose is a fragile and delicate part of the body. Complications can arise if you don’t choose an experienced, qualified injector. 

When done properly, non-surgical rhinoplasty can produce beautiful results and help you feel more confident in your appearance.

What Type of Nose Fillers are Used?

Several types of fillers can be used in non-surgical rhinoplasty, including:

Hyaluronic-Based Fillers 

In most cases, hyaluronic-based fillers are used for liquid nose jobs. These are temporary fillers that naturally dissolve after a several months. They can also be dissolved immediately using hyaluronidase if you aren’t happy with the results or your body doesn’t respond well to the filler.

Semipermanent Options

A semipermanent filler will last much longer than a hyaluronic-based filler – up to five years. These fillers also stimulate your own collagen production, which is why your nose retains its new shape for so much longer.

What do these fillers consist of?

  • Calcium hydroxylapatite, or CaHA, that’s suspended in a gel, OR
  • A solution of 80% cow collagen and 20% polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres

The body naturally metabolizes CaHA (a substance found in bone) over time. The cow collagen and PMMA solution stimulates your body’s own collagen production. 

Semipermanent fillers are still controversial. They cannot be reversed, so there is no margin for error. 

Liquid Silicone

For more permanent results, liquid silicone filers may be used. These fillers are injected in miniscule amounts (known as microdroplets) spread across multiple sessions. By only injecting a little bit at a time and spacing out each session by several weeks, the silicone has a chance to spread out and stimulate collagen to grow around it. 

It also gives you a chance to assess the results and modify them as you move along (if you wish).

How Long Does a Liquid Nose Job Last?

The answer really depends on the type of filler that’s used. Hyaluronic fillers can last several months, but semipermanent and permanent fillers can last for years.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is often called a “15-minute nose job,” and that’s a fitting name. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the procedure, depending on the complexity of the work.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be a great alternative to traditional rhinoplasty, but it’s important to choose an experienced, qualified professional. In the right hands, the procedure produces beautiful results and can help you achieve the look you desire.

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